Saturday, July 11, 2009
Dutch Village and other summer escapades!
I can sum up the past month in a few short sentences. Abby vs. bottle of powder vs. Lily's dresser (and everything in it). Second time reading Strong Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson since Abby has been born.
PS. I would have posted a picture but there was nothing to see but a white cloud of powder. And I am so NOT kidding!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Why do I feel like I am falling short?
A spirited little girl that learned so much at preschool this year!
A grandma that loves to fish with Abby!
Friends that love your kids like their own!
My future son-in-law! Aren't they ADORABLE!?!?
A sunny day to celebrate Abby's preschool graduation!
Dirty faces that showcase the fun we have camping!
A daddy that is not afraid to get a little cold to spend time with his fearless swimmer!
The smile of achievement when she reeled in "the big one"!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Week 3
Monday, April 6, 2009
Week 2
I have been also incorporating a YOGA DVD that I checked out from the library. I dig it! I like the low impact, the relaxing motions, the stretching and strength training it provides. I did that 2 days last week instead of running and I really enjoyed it!
I was was happy (no, really, disappointed) to see no snow on the ground this morning! I made a deal with myself last night that if there was snow on the ground this morning that I could skip my Monday run and curl up with a cup of coffee and my YOGA.... I think this is the first time in a LONG time I was pissed there was NO snow!
Anyway, here is what you have all been waiting for!
Week 2
Pounds lost- 2.5 (YAHHHOOOO!)
Pounds lost to date- 3lbs.
Pounds to goal- 27
Cheers to a good week!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Lily Grace... 365 days old!
We love you Lily, and praise God for you every day!
PS. I am pretty sure she had more hair the day she was born than she does now... I'm thinking she needs her ears pierced! ;)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Week 1
Last week was a good week. I got up Monday, Wed, Thursday and Saturday and took my pre -planned route through the neighborhood. Dyson has also mapped out "his area" which happens to include a gigantic dump on the lawn at Maplewood Church (3 blocks into our route). It is hard enough to run, hold the dog, and look in people's windows, without having to hold a bag of steamin dog poop. (I am not creepily looking into windows, just helps me keep my mind of the agony of exercise). Anyway, so now I pick up the poo in my little baggy and stash it near the scene of the crime so I don't have to carry it the whole way, then I swipe it on the way home. Tricky I know!
Most mornings were freezing, thanks to this lovely state we live in, but I found the "fellow runners/walkers" to be very supportive of my effort. Effortlessly saying "good morning" while I TRY to muster up enough O2 and vocal chord to even grunt "mornin'". Now they just wave a hand instead. I think that is considerate!
The eating has not been as challenging as I thought it would be. I tend to eat much better on the days that I work out. I work too hard to sabotage my cold morning, dog poop carrying, lung puking workout on a nasty stale PBJ. We even went out for dinner for my birthday and I got a SALAD for goodness sakes. I have not been snacking after dinner time, and if I do, it is a yogurt or some cheese.
So I stepped on the scale this morning and I lost a WHOPPING...... 1/2 of a pound! Yep, not even a full pound. Just a half! I have to tell you, that was so disappointing. Had I weighed myself before my workout, I can assure you, I would have crawled right back into bed....
Week 1
Pounds lost- .5
Pounds lost to date- .5
Pounds to goal- 29.5
Better luck next week!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Did someone say Tylenol???
I have listened to several of my friends and family tell me the LOVE to workout and they just can't get enough of it. Well my friends, I have a feeling that "feeling" will never come to me. Truth be told, I hate exercising. When I was in high school I played a team sport every season so I was able to stay fit without feeling like I was exercising. So now as I move into my early adult years I am finding it a necessity to stop waiting for the burning desire to go run and just DO IT! So here I am putting it in writing, telling you, to hold me accountable.
Here are my goals:
Run with the dog 4 mornings a week. Monday, Wed, Thursday, Saturday
Make smart choices about the food I put in my mouth. (don't just eat the remainders on Abby's plate just because I don't want to throw it away)
Lose 30 lbs by July17
There it is. Once I hit "Publish Post" I am stuck... there is no turning back.
My goal is to blog every Monday and share my weeks progress/struggles.
Hope you all have a nice day! I am going to take some Tylenol and ice my knee!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Almost fearful to put it in writing!
When we got home we had a nice lunch, followed by diaper changes and nap time for all 3 kids! As I was headed down the stairs for some ALONE, quiet time, I feel down the stairs. My rear hurts (which I don't get cuz there is enough padding) and my wrist and shoulder are out of whack.
I would like to request a Mulligan on this day please!
Marcie- There you have it girl! I wanted to add some more pictures for you but my camera batteries are dead. Go figure! I will try loading pictures tomorrow!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I worry... they let me... then they do it.
I don't have time to blog about one of the kids milestone before another one is reached! Last month I was frustrated because Abby was peeing through her pull up at night and I was washing sheets daily. Now she is waking up each night to tell me she has to go and waking up dry on occasion. Lily was attached to me for each feeding and could have cared less about table food, now I have all I can do to get her to stay focused long enough for a few feedings a day.... Now we are trying to get her to take a sippy cup.... next time I blog I am sure she will be LOVING the sippy cup. It is just how kids are. I worry... they let me... then they do it.
Anyway, here are some photo updates:
The first few pictures I found on my camera when I got home. I thought they were blog worthy!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Abby: Mommy, Eliyanna is not my friend anymore!
Me: Oh, how come?
Abby: She is friends with Jaylyn.
Me: Well, that is ok... she can be friends with both of you!
Abby: No she can't.
Me: How come?
Abby: Jaylyn says that Eliyanna can only have one friend.... and that is her.
Me: Hmmm, you tell Jaylyn that God says that we need to be friends with EVERYBODY!
Abby: Mom? Can you call Jaylyn's mommy and tell HER that? I will get you the phone.
If this is the conversation that I am having with my THREE year old. Lord help me in the teenage years!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Year!
There have been several "blog worthy" stories that have transpired in the last 4 weeks, but one in particular I will share happened on Monday evening. Abby woke up about 11:30pm screaming and crying that her belly hurt. I tried everything, rubbing it, having her curl up with a pillow, try to go "poops" but nothing was working. She was doubling up in pain and screaming and crying. The pain was so intense she was shaking. I am usually not one to get charged up about pains and such... but I was feeling very uneasy about this and the more time that went on the more concerned I became. About 12:30am I made the decision to bring her to the ER. After about an hour there in the same agonizing pain, she decided that she had to go to the bathroom.... she was able to pee in a cup so we could check for an infection... that was fine. Then about 20 minutes later, still in pain, and waiting for a tummy X-ray, she decided she had to go potty again. So off we go again. Please try to visualize this for a moment. Abby in a hospital gown, hair a curly snarly mess, hoisted onto a large hospital toilet, in a large hospital bathroom, with a large hospital echo..... and she lets out a LARGE MAN SIZE FART. Seriously, like nothing I have ever heard. I laughed out loud when I heard it because I could not believe that had just come out of my child! At this point I am wondering if I can use a bed pan to dig my way out of the hospital so I do not need to tell anyone that I brought my child to the ER for gas! The doctor wanted to just double check with an XRAy, and sure enough she was full of air. After the initial blowout in the bathroom, Abby was free to release her gas at will and was doing it with no fear of onlookers or listeners. When we arrived home at 3:30am, Ryan asked her how she was feeling, and she responded. "I am so much better daddy, I just had really BAD GAS!"
Lily loves to bite on the spoon when I feed her!So tired from opening all my Christmas presents!
All smiles!
Abby has the camera again... Lily knows the flash is coming... AGAIN!
What can this be?
Lite Brite from Aunt Tami and Uncle Eric
Swimming at the hotel pool for Christmas with PopPop!
Chucky Cheese!
I think they are both faking to get out of Christmas clean-up!
PopPop with his girls, Abby and Ella!'
Great Grandma Coo-Coo with Abby and Lily
Abby, Lily and Kyla
Grandpa and his girls!
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! And The Haber's family is wishing you a very happy New Year!