Thursday, January 29, 2009


The following outlines a conversation between Abby and myself at lunch yesterday.

Abby: Mommy, Eliyanna is not my friend anymore!
Me: Oh, how come?
Abby: She is friends with Jaylyn.
Me: Well, that is ok... she can be friends with both of you!
Abby: No she can't.
Me: How come?
Abby: Jaylyn says that Eliyanna can only have one friend.... and that is her.
Me: Hmmm, you tell Jaylyn that God says that we need to be friends with EVERYBODY!
Abby: Mom? Can you call Jaylyn's mommy and tell HER that? I will get you the phone.

If this is the conversation that I am having with my THREE year old. Lord help me in the teenage years!


Beck said...

Laughing out loud at the last line... "I'll get you the phone!" This girl has a plan!

Stephanie said...

The really sad part is... I almost thought about calling Jaylyn's mom...(for 3.2 seconds) Then I realized, this is all part of being a mommy... you can't fix everything. Sometimes they just have to have their feelings hurt! Ouch!